The Brahmin
The Brahmin is the highest caste and comprises of priests. They have distinctive symbols such as a white rope and a unique haircut. As priests, they have the ability to communicate with gods, and msut not be touched by other caste groups.
The Kshatriya
The Kshatriya are second in the caste system. They are of noble births. A distinctive feature about them is that they are allowed to take meat and alcohol.
The Vaishaya
The Shudra
The Shudra are fourth in the caste system. They comprise of workers jobbing for the others. In this contemporary age, Shudra consists of 30% of the government jobs.
The Dalit
The Dalit is at the bottom of the caste system, also known as “Untouchables”. They are not allowed to have any social contact with the other caste groups. They are the main workforce in the ‘dirty jobs’ category, hence they live in poverty; living quarters: slums and squatter settlements.
(A Dalit standing in front of his home)
How India's caste system comes about:
The inauguration of the caste system goes back to the arrival of the light-skinned "Aryan" people from central Asia(3 500 years ago). Their appearance put the dark-skinned local people at a disadvantaged position.
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